sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!

Every year we face new challenges and also new opportunities to fulfil our wishes. My wish this year is that yours may come true. And I hope that this year will be a good one too. I'm still living the Christmas spirit, for today is the day of the Three Kings and is also the day to receive and give Christmas presents, sing and eat some cake - King's Cake - in a nice family dinner.
Sharing is a secret for success and a remarkable way to make bonds and work better.
I leave you an angel, courtesy of our colleague Anabela Romão - arts teacher - in the hope that it will always remember us the good values of life and friendship.
This angle was made with recycled materials and as you can see looks good in the Christmas tree.

How to make an angel

Make a video of your own at Animoto.

I hope angles and other nice spirits will be with all of you all year round.


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