terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011


We celebrated Halloween yesterday with an exhibition of several projects done by students from many different classes. Their imagination and craft skills were put a test. Each student or group of students had to create a Halloween icon, symbol or character, using whatever materials they wanted but with the suggestion that, they should try to recycle as much as they could. The obvious result, since we have great students, was a diversified sample of horrible witches, ghosts, zombies, cats, draculas, Frankensteins, bats, brooms, etc. It was a success and congratulations are in order because these projects decorated our school in a 'terrifying' way.

Furthermore the students of the English Club contributed with decorations and the professional class of future bartenders served a delicious Halloween menu and cocktails that was irresistible to our taste. The Drama Club of our school, in which I am integrated as well, participated in this celebration by offering a street theatre of fortunetellers who 'fought' for the spectators’ attention in order to tell their future before running away when the witches hunter came near them! A great show although the little time we had for rehearsal.

We all had a great time! Congratulatios and thanks to all my fellow colleagues and students! Happy Halloween and a delightfull All Saints Day,

a big hug,

Ps: I have to search for a new Dentist, thats for sure!

Margarida Marques

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