sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011

Merry Christmas People

Merry Christmas people!

This year the group asked the students to use their imagination and create a christmas card to decorate our huge Christmas Tree. And they accepted the challenge and created some very nice cards of all colours and sizes.

We wish you a merry christmas
We wish you a merry christmas
and a happy new year!

Good tidings we bring for you and your kin
We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.

Coming soon some pictures of the treeeeee!!!!

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011


We celebrated Halloween yesterday with an exhibition of several projects done by students from many different classes. Their imagination and craft skills were put a test. Each student or group of students had to create a Halloween icon, symbol or character, using whatever materials they wanted but with the suggestion that, they should try to recycle as much as they could. The obvious result, since we have great students, was a diversified sample of horrible witches, ghosts, zombies, cats, draculas, Frankensteins, bats, brooms, etc. It was a success and congratulations are in order because these projects decorated our school in a 'terrifying' way.

Furthermore the students of the English Club contributed with decorations and the professional class of future bartenders served a delicious Halloween menu and cocktails that was irresistible to our taste. The Drama Club of our school, in which I am integrated as well, participated in this celebration by offering a street theatre of fortunetellers who 'fought' for the spectators’ attention in order to tell their future before running away when the witches hunter came near them! A great show although the little time we had for rehearsal.

We all had a great time! Congratulatios and thanks to all my fellow colleagues and students! Happy Halloween and a delightfull All Saints Day,

a big hug,

Ps: I have to search for a new Dentist, thats for sure!

Margarida Marques

segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

What's next - Halloween!!! Join the club ! Be creative !

Halloween is time for celebrating one of the most popular days in the school. Everyone is invited to participate and use their imagination:

Last year Halloween was great. Take a pic at some of the activities done with class 7º C in the library under the supervision of teacher Helena Prieto to inspire you for this year's celebration:

You can join the English Club where the teachers Margarida and Rosette will help you make some halloween icons. Have fun.

The English Club is on TUESDAY from 16:40 to 18:10 in room 15.

The great day - celebrating European Day of Languages

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Some comments from students

Celebrating  the European  Day of Languages at Escola Básica e Secundária do Cadaval

I’m going to share with you what happened  on the 26thSeptember in our school.
This day is very important for all students. This year all the classes built a poster about a country and all the European countries were  represented.
The ceremony started at 9:50 AM (during the morning break). First we sang the anthem of the European Union, and next we hung all the posters on a rope for an exhibition circle in the school yard.
We believe that this celebration was/ is / will be very important for the school community.
That was a fantastic day!

Diogo Cardoso

terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

The European Day of Languages

Hello everyone!
The English Group of Escola Básica e Secundária do Cadaval, has celebrated the European Day of Languages - 26th of September - with an activity that took place in the school courtyard with all the classes presenting a country of the E.U.
This was a great moment for everyone who took part in the event.